After the Apple's event on Monday, promises to meet the demand for a smaller iPhone , and by sticking to the smaller size of the iPhone 5S, it also means that people who didn't like the larger screen size of the new models now have a smaller option to choose. Not everyone is impressed with Apple's iPhone SE though, as an LG CEO said it was no threat.
During an event in South Korea, LG Mobile CEO Cho Juno, was asked by a journalist about the new iPhone SE and he said, "Rollinh out a product with same old technology and features is not LG's way. " Juno also told Korea that the new iPhone SE was no threat for LG's smartphones in mid-range segment.
Cho Juno also added, "LG Electronics does not care seriously about ranking, at that movement, As we focused on making sure the new device provides consumer a variety of options to have fun. By combining fun and imaginative elements. LG's latest G5 smartphone which is going to sale in South Korea on March 31. The LG G5 will be available to buy in the US starting April 1
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